Top CV Writing Tips
Getting a good CV across to a potential employer can be challenging, as you want to make sure enough of you and your experience comes across as well as being succinct to capture the interest within the first few seconds to get them to read on.
Here are some tips for you to follow to get that CV up and ready for your next challenge.
What does it look and read like?
Sounds easy enough! However as a recruiter, one thing we see day in and day out is candidates not taking note of how their CV comes across. Have you got all the common elements around a basic CV, such as contact information, education and qualifications, relevant skills as well as work history and achievements? Is your work history up to date with dates listed chronologically, with your most recent work first? Also, take note of how it’s formatted. Try saving it as a PDF so that you can protect what it looks like.
Capture the interest ASAP!
Remember, you don’t have much time before the recruiter or employer loses interest so ensure you can have a creative and neat, easy-to-read layout. There is a CV hotspot – the upper middle area of the first page – where the recruiter's eye will naturally fall, so make sure you include your most important information there.
Personal statement
Your personal statement can say a lot about you by describing what makes you tick; what drives you. Outline what you are looking for and be objective. However, do avoid using clichés and describing yourself in the third person.
Key skills
Have you got a range of super-concise skills to show off? Positive ones that are transferable across all jobs can include soft skills such as communication, organisation and being a team player, as well as skills such as computer, design or language skills. Be sure to think about these to ensure they stand out!
Tailor your CV for each job application
Now, this may sound like a mammoth undertaking, and to some, quite unnecessary. However, the extra work you put in can really pay off. By drafting one master CV and spending time tweaking it before applying to a job, you can highlight your key skills and experience the recruiter is looking for in that role. This will give you a huge advantage over your competition.
And finally… get someone else to proof read it for you!
Simple things such as grammar and spelling are often overlooked. Double check everything! Potential employers love spotting a spelling mistake and that’s not a good thing. It’s a great idea to ask a friend or relative with a good eye for detail and a stickler for grammar to read through it. It’s really easy to miss things yourself, however many times you’ve checked it.